It's going to be a busy weekend. I have to go check on Val and Will's place, so their crack addict neighbors don't know they are away (hopefully the crack addicts don't read the fnnygrl blog) and then I have to go to buys some props for this weekend's shoot. We are (finally) shooting Brick Morgan, the spoof trailer we have been working on for a year. (Most Smidgits are only a few weeks from concept to completion but this one has been around a long time. I guess it needed to simmer a while.) Kelly told me yesterday at the meeting that I'm directing, which is fine. It's a lot of green screen stuff since we have a lot of special effects in this one but I directed some green screen work on the Jerseynaut so I think it will be okay.
We are shooting Saturday and Sunday all day (which means I'll miss the RWA chapter meeting gosh dang it). It's funny to me that we need two full days of shooting for a trailer when we can shoot a whole episode in a few hours usually. We shot two Chef Shelly's in a half day and The Sign in about three or four hours. But those were simple setups whereas this has a lot of action sequences. I guess it's understandable since a trailer is usually cut from hundreds of hours of footage and we don't have hundreds of hours. I admire Mark and Kelly for all the editing work they have to do after the 'easy' task of filming is done. Learning to edit is on my "to-do" list during the 'year of writing dangerously'. I guess I need to get on that too, huh?
I like filming because the more I do it, the better I get at it. And that's what learning is all about. But it's going to be two very long, hot days. Bless the actors especially John Baniqued. he has the patience of a saint and is always so willing to do just about anything we ask and risking life and limb on many a set. John, you ROCK! Brick Morgan is all about you my friend! Brick Morgan is back, Summer 2008!
In spite of the heat it sounds like you have a cool weekend planned. I am envious. I always thought I would do well in the entertainment industry in some capacity but I have never tried to make the leap. Maybe after I get a novel published?
Funny you mentioned the RWA meeting, I am going to my first on Saturday. I am really looking forward to it.
So have a good shoot (and I mean the movie, not with the crack addicts - stay away from them!) and a great weekend.
Aww man! I'll miss ya at the meeting, but it sounds like you're going to be knee deep in production!
Hope it goes well!
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