Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Nope, it isn't Christmas, (although if retailer's have their way, we will be buying Christmas stuff now) it's the new fall TV season.

Yay for all the new shows! And the fact that they started on my birthday was really nice of them. I love new TV (I love any TV, who am I kidding). Now kiddies, back in the old days, when we only had 5 channels and you had to choose what new show you would watch. Yes, this was before cable, VDR, DVR, etc. We got a Betamax when I was seven but it wasn't programmable so you had to push the record button when the show came on and you couldn't watch one thing while recording another. We got cable when I was eight but it didn't have a remote and back then MTV just ran music videos.

Today we have TiVo, so I can record two programs at once. I can also watch the new shows 'on demand' on cable and the Internet. Unfortunately, while I'm looking forward to the new season, I'm already disappointed in it. The writer's strike led to fewer pilots and most of the new shows are copies of other shows. "90210" is just a new 90210. "Life on Mars", "Worst Week" and "Eleventh Hour" are all based on British shows, "Kath and Kim" is based on the Australian series and "The Ex-List" is Israeli (seriously?)

I miss a huge fall season with tons of new shows, most of which would be cancelled before you could really get into them (or in the case of "Cave Men" last fall, shows that NEVER should have made it onto the schedule in the first place.) I really miss the oh-so-bad shows like last season's "Viva Laughlin". A musical? Hysterical and I wish they had kept it on a bit longer, it would have made a great drinking game. (Drink a shot every time Melanie Griffith sings)

Still, I am looking forward to the return of "Chuck", "Dancing with the Stars" and "Criminal Minds". And I want to see "Kath and Kim" (I love sitcoms) and "The Mentalist' (Simon Baker is soooo hot). So bring on the shows. My DVR can take it!


Maura said...

Personally, I am only waiting for Lost, ER, and Survivor to start up. I used to watch a lot more TV but lately I am just not too thrilled with what's out there. It seems to me they hang on to the stupidest of reality shows and dump any good dramas or sitcoms. I still can't believe they dumped Studio 60, that would have been a phenomenal series had it lasted. Same for the Black Donnellys.

Last season I got into a couple of new shows: Journey Man and Cane. If either of them come back I will watch them. Oh, and this year I have gotten into Raising the Bar on TNT. That one seems pretty good so far.

I may check out The Mentalist. The commercials for that one looked good. I've probably missed the premier already. I keep getting caught up in Law and Order reruns and forget to check out other channels!

Shae said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Journey Man and Cane were cancelled.

I LOVED Studio 60, I have the series on DVD. Phenomenal writing, great acting. The Christmas episode is one of my favorite TV episodes ever. ("Chou Li" from China Beach is another one)

Maura said...

Figures...they always dump the good shows.....:(


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