Monday, July 12, 2010

An Esteemed Graduate?

Blanca graduated from Kinderpuppy today. It's a basic obedience class where she learned sit, stay, come, lie down, leave it, touch and some socialization with other dogs and people. She won a prize for being best behaved on a leash. She got a certificate and a little ribbon.

All of this makes me laugh because just a few hours before class, she brought me a present. It was a bottle of black dye that she found somewhere in the laundry room. She generously fetched it from the nether regions for me...only first she chewed the bottle and got black dye on her blanket, the steps she uses to get onto the couch, my lap and oh yeah, all over herself. My little blond puppy looked more like a Dalmatian than a Chihuahua. She had dye on her paws, in her mouth, on her tongue and just about everything else too. After trying to scrub her clean in the sink, I finally had to take her into the shower with me.

So I got her cleaned up in time for her to receive her obedience award. Don't tell on her okay? She's pretty proud of her achievements. She liked her ribbon so much, she ate it.


Chan:) said...

Soooo adorable!!!!!

Maura said...

Too funny! It's amazing how big a mess such little dogs can create without even trying very hard.

Congrats on her award! I'll bet it's nice to know that she knows when to put her party manners on.

dyann hunter said...

Congratulations to her! And to you for being such a great Mom and getting her trained.

I don't even want to think about the dye.


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