Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Am So Not A Blonde

Okay, so the saying goes, Blonde's have more fun. But I'm a pale girl of Irish descent with pink skin undertones. So I color my naturally dark brown hair to auburn. And it looks good on me, it's the color I should have been born with. My paternal Grandmother used to use a henna rinse on her hair to bring out the red and The Graminator was a natural redhead (think Katherine Helmond) so it runs in my family.

Yesterday I went to get my hair done because I was tired of pulling it back in a ponytail every day. So I got a cute new cut and the stylist suggested highlights just in the front. I said okay and she told me she was going blonde but the area was just right in front and with the cut it would frame my face nicely. Now I had highlights that were too blonde before and ended up making it look like frosted hair, which I hate (sorry to those of you with frosted hair but it's not a good look on me.) But since these weren't all over highlights I wasn't too worried.

Did you ever see the X-Men Movies? Do you know the character Rogue, played by Anna Paquin? Where the evil guy tries to harness her power and she gets these two white steaks in her hair? Now picture that on a redhead only the streaks are yellow gold. Yup, that's what I look like, like someone tried to harness my power. No, I did not cry, because I have to dye my hair this week anyway to get rid of my roots and I'll just put color over the blond to give me coppery highlights and I think It will be really cute. But blonde? No way. I just can't pull it off, even in a small amount. But the highlights are going to be cool when they are red and even the blonde is growing on me a little (I like the drama of it, just not the color.)

Women are constantly obsessing over and changing their hair. I hate my too thick hair, my mother hates her way too thin baby fine hair, my sister-in-law-to-be changes her color every few months, The Graminator wants hers cut off to boy short length, if it's straight we want curly, if it's curly we will spend hours straightening it. We are rarely happy with our and when we are, that style goes completely out of fashion. It's a never ending struggle. But the good thing about hair? It'll always grow out to almost exactly what we started with in the first place!


Maura said...

Post a picture! I'd love to see the new haircut. I'll bet the color looks fine but you are just not used to it. But the coppery highlights sound like a nice idea, too.

And you are so right about women never being happy with what they are born with. And it's not just hair either. The cosmetics industry must be in the billions of dollars. Plastic surgeons are fat and happy thanks to women's never ending need to fool with mother nature.

I was born with light brown hair that in the summer would get some blond and light red highlights from the sun. When I got older I started doing blond highlights which looked fine. Then I moved and got a new colorist and she suggested putting in some red highlights. I liked them so much that I recently just started dying my whole head the red color and I love it (except if fades too fast). Larry says it's the color I should have been born with, too.

So how short did you go? I am thinking of cutting my hair but I am such a chicken about it. Right now it is about an inch below my shoulder blades at its longest point. It took me so long to get it to that length which fuels a lot of my reluctance to cut. But I don't do anything with it but wear it sloppy loose or in a ponytail. So maybe I need to get brave and just do it.

Shae said...

My hair is short in back and longer in front, a concave bob like Victoria Beckham. I'll post a picture as soon as I color my hair. Yes, red fades fast, but I love it.

My hair gets long, I cut it, I grow it back out, I get frustrated and cut it off again. I have hair issues issues because in addition to a ton of hair I have no forehead and a widows peak so I hate my hair in my face. Honestly, I understand the mullet. I would never have one, but I understand it.


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