Monday, May 11, 2009

Making Movies

Sorry Loyal Readers, to neglect you so. My life has been in such turmoil lately that I'm grateful you stick around!

My filming started Thursday. It was an easy scene for me to get started with because I only had one line. But I did have a funny costume and makeup. My character, Patty, and John's character, Jerry have just gotten back from Mexico. So I look like I have a sunburn and the poncho I'm wearing has a Christmas themed cactus on it. (My character ALWAYS wears Christmas themed clothes!)

Here is the picture

I love the suitcase Charisma found for me to carry. It's a hard-sided round American Tourister. I offered to buy it from her but she wants to keep it for herself. I guess I'll have to start scrounging thrift stores!

Friday I had three scenes but I only had dialogue in one of them. It was an important scene though (since it introduces my character) and I think it went well. Kelly was happy and Will (who plays Felix) liked it too. It felt very comfortable to work with him. I didn't get any pictures on Friday and then I left my camera on set (do you think my desire for a new camera is causing me to subconsciously leave my camera behind everywhere I go so that I have to buy a new one? ) But we had fun and I kept cracking up because the actor who played the Game Company CEO (I think his name is Lincoln) had these really expressive eyes and he would make me laugh by just looking at me funny. He is from England and we had a great time talking with him.

Saturday we filmed at the CineVegas offices at The District. (CineVegas is a large film festival and their offices were really nice. They had a cool coffee bar area in the back, it was neat.) We had a lot of extras on set that day and Will and Val came down to be in the movie too. One of the scenes is where I find out I've been fired and I don't take it well. My brother always teases me about my acting (he sniffs the air and says "Does anyone else smell ham?") so this was right up his alley to make fun of me. Hey, I give the director what he wants, and if that requires a little ham, well then stud me, glaze me and serve me up. Charisma took some cast photos so I'm hoping I can grab some from her (since I still didn't have my camera at this point.) Mark took a picture and I stole it from his Facebook. In it you can see Kelly shooting the scene where Jimmy's character is firing us. I look interested, don't I? My knees hurt from that day because Kelly had me dive to the floor multiple times in the scene.

This afternoon we shoot another of my 'big scenes' where I flip out on a waitress. Dyann said she would come by and be an extra and Will and Val are going to show up again. Hopefully we will get enough extras. I have more filming on Friday and Saturday (plus I'm MC'ing and performing at a charity benefit on Saturday night) then I don't have any scenes to shoot for two weeks. I'll be working on Glitter City Sweets, to get the website up, plus I have a couple more ideas to work out. Then I resume three more weeks of shooting. Oh, and I know I have been cryptic about the title of the film, mostly because I wasn't sure how public to make it, but since the title has appeared on cast and crew Facebook pages I guess it's okay to say. The title is "You People". Hmmm, can you see the comic implications?

Okay, I gotta go make rice crispy treats for the crew, plus hair and makeup and all that jazz. I promise to try to have more pictures for you!!!!!


Maura said...

I'm glad everything is going so well with your movie. I loved your white eyes on your sunburned face!

I still wish I could come and be an extra!! Oh well, maybe some other time. Have fun with the rest of the shoot.

And don't forget to post some more wedding pics when you get your camera back.

Maura said...

And tell Dyann I said hi!

dyann hunter said...

Booo! I didn't make it to the shoot. And no, I'm NOT a flake, I swear! Something went awry at work and then there was an issue with this so-called maid I hired. I'm soo sorry, Shae. I hope you had enough extras.


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