We even made our first delivery this week. At a party Saturday night I took my friend Tina a dozen "Thank You" cookies since she took some pictures for the website and gave me the suggestion to make "Thank You" cookies in the first place. Apparently Dean and Deluca does a similar cookie - but mine are cuter and cost less than half the price of theirs! Well I ran into a friend of Tina's (everyone is Tina's friend, she collects friends in such an amazing way) who I hadn't seen in a while (apparently book club is a bi-annual event.) She asked me what I was up to and I showed her the cookies. Well, she ordered two dozen to be delivered on Monday to the MGM Grand. Thank goodness Sunday is my baking day at the commercial bakery I work out of! So I consider it a good omen that we made our first deliver before we are even open officially.
The site is in Beta testing right now (THANK YOU Maura and Dyann!) and while it's running and functional I still don't have all of the product pictures up. I'm sure I will be tweaking it forever. It's been an experience making the site. I used a WYSIWYG (pronounced wizzy-wig, it stands for "what you see is what you get") site builder and let me tell you, it's a lie. What you see is NOT what you get. For example, the borders on the pictures are the color "sienna" to match the website. And that's what I see on my Mac, whether I'm using Foxfire or Safari as my Internet browser. But on my PC laptop and my mom's computer it looks black. I don't know why. Plus when I space pictures just right on the sitebuilder, they go all cattywampus in "real life". With no rhyme or reason, pictures that are spaced equally apart are suddenly smushed together or a mile apart. I think the site is acceptable for now but when it begins to make money I'm going to hire a real web designer instead of this DIY junk. But since I could never get my cousin to call me back and I was broke, this was my best solution. Plus I can publish it myself and make changes all I want without calling anyone. (At least the publishing function is super easy!)
I'm thinking that the "press release" and official "Grand Opening" will be June 15th. And here is a super special deal just for you, my Loyal Readers. For every reader who signs up to follow my new blog, you get 6 free cookies. Just sign up for the new blog then send an email to me at shae@glittercitysweets.com saying "I signed up!" and I'll give you six "Thank You" cookies. Free delivery in Las Vegas and free shipping outside of Las Vegas. This offer is good for friends too so encourage them to follow my new blog. But this offer is only good until the Grand Opening so go sign up soon! And congratulations to Maura for being my first follower!
Here is a picture of the "Thank You" cookies to wet your appetite and some pictures of my first delivery.
So do I still need to send an email? :)
I will go back and do a second beta test of the website but it probably won't be until Friday.
Way to go, Shae! I am so proud of you for doing this. Let me know if your official opening date changes because I want to put a link to Glitter City Sweets on my blog when it is ready for business.
Hey! Great idea, Maura, with the link on our blogs too! I meet with the girls this weekend to figure out what we need for the wedding shower next month. I'll be ordering asap.
Looking forward to it! :-)
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