Monday, February 25, 2008

And the Oscar Goes To....

Okay, last night was one of my favorite nights of the year, the Academy Awards. I though Jon Stewart did a great job. His opening monologue was funny but he kept the show tight and I though it was quite nice. I was a little disappointed in the fact that Americans seemed highly under represented - Best Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor and Suporting Actress all went to Europeans. I think they are great actors but c'mon, not one American?

Let's talk fashion for a brief moment. Helen Mirren looked FABULOUS, proving that an older woman can be elegant and sexy at the same time. I loved her ruby dress with the glittering sleeves. Worst look has to go to Tilda Swinton. What in the hell was she thinking?!? She looked like an androgenous alien wearing a garbage bag with one armhole cut out. I couldn't figure out if it was a dress or some weird performance art piece (you know, like the ones where the artist emerges from a bag to represent some rebirth bulls@#t). Her stylist (and her makeup artist and her hair stylist/colorist) should all be taken out an summarily shot. It was really, really bad, like beyond that swan outfit Bjork wore one year.

I was really wondering where Ben Affleck was. Jennifer Garner was there, sitting next to Casey Affleck but no Ben. His brother was nominated for an award, his wife was presenting an he couldn't even show up? I think it was way wrong of the Academy to not nominate him for Best Adapted Screenplay but still, he could have showed up. He could do Jimmy Kimmel for cryin' out loud but not show up for the big show? Ben, I'm dissapointed in you. Even Owen Wilson showed up and you have had a much better year than he has. And I'm not buying the 'someone had to stay home with Violet' story. Hire a babysitter.

My least favorite moment was when Diablo Cody won for Best Original Screenplay. It wasn't because I didn't think she deserved to win, I loved "Juno" and thought it was a terrifically witty and thoughtful film. But Diablo (I'm hoping that Diablo Cody was just her stripper name, not the one her parents gave her) seemed manic throughout her speech and honestly, I though she was really disingenious. She seemed to 'tear up' at the end of her speech when she thanked her family but as soon as she turned away she looked almost angry. She grabbed the envelope from Harrison Ford and sort of stomped off stage. I thought it made the whole speech look faked. One reviewer of the Oscars though she looked glum and wondered if Harrison Ford was taking her to detention instead of just winning an Oscar. If it had been me, I would have been jumping through the roof (an award AND Indiana Jones, it don't get much better than that!) To all future winners, just remember that the cameras are ALWAYS watching.

My favorite moment of the night was when Jon Stewart let Marketa Irglova come back and finish her acceptance speech. I was delighted to see Glen Hansard and Marketa win for Best Original Song (restoring my faith in the Academy) and not just because now I can say I have hung out with two Oscar winners but because it as a great song from a great film that truly deserved to win. But Glen's exuberance led to Marketa's portion being cut off by the band once his thirty seconds was up. Jon brought Marketa back out after the commercial break to take her moment in the spotlight. Not only as that well done of Jon, but it was one of the most touching speeches of the evening.

I watch the Oscars not only to celebrate the movies and see my favorite celebrities, but to reinforce my dreams of making movies and writing good films. I look to many of the winners for inspiration. So I'd like to thank Marketa for the words in her speech that I will look back and reflect upon in the days ahead as I struggle to reach my dreams.

"This is proof that no matter how far out your dreams are, it's possible. And, you know, fair play to those who dare to dream and don't give up." -Marketa Irglova

Thanks and fair play to you too.

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