Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday With No Meaning

Friday is a day that has always had some kind of connotation. It is the end of the work week and the start of the weekend. It was that way when I was in school, you looked forward to Friday because school was going to be out and Friday night was the night I hung out with my friends and went to the football game or to the movies. For the last seven years I have worked a Monday through Friday job with weekends off and Fridays again took on the significance of being the end of the long week. Fridays always seemed a bit more relaxed, as though everyone were mentally winding down. But now that I'm a self-employed writer, Fridays don't seem as important as they once were. Yes, tomorrow will still be Saturday, but I'm still planning on writing, and because of my less structured environment I can do whatever I need to do any day I want to do it. So Friday doesn't seem as large and, frankly, as fun as it used to be. On the other hand, maybe Mondays won't suck as bad as they used to. I'll have to let you know.

For those who were concerned about the situation in Wells after my last post, George and Marina Yan are fine as are their home and businesses. Their television didn't survive however as it was thrown from the entertainment center during the quake. Services will be private.

Keep an eye out on for the new series, The Jerseynaut, which I have co-written and directed. It;s a quick and funny new series and Jimmy Germano is hilarious. You go, Jimmy G! It has been awesome working with such a talented actor and as always such an amazing creative group.

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