Saturday, February 16, 2008

And So It Begins

The "Year of Writing Dangerously" has begun. Yesterday was one of the toughest days of my life when I had to say goodbye to my friends and collegues at the greatest job I ever had. Yes, I bawled like a newborn as I packed up my office to start what I now think of as an 'experiment in terror'. I have moved in with my mother and grandmother (a truly strange episode of the Golden Girls), quit my job and am now a full time writer and filmmaker (currently unemployed). Aughhhhhhh! What was I thinking?!? I had safety, security, medical insurance and a 401(k)! Now I have a Pilot G2 pen, a stack of blank paper, a gazillion ideas in my head that I now have to WRITE DOWN and just about enough in savings that while I won't starve to death I'll probably be existing on a lot of ramen noodles and day old bread. All in the name of 'pursuing my dream'. Okay, I'm scared but determined. I don't want this year to be a mistake so I'm going to hunker down and fulfill my destiny...what that destiny may be has yet to be revealed. Stay tuned dear readers, because the life on the ledge just became a life on a teeny tiny wafer thin ledge. Can she do it?

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