Thursday, January 01, 2009

Things I Learned In 2008

In 2008 I learned...

That my family supports me, no matter what. And because of their faith in me, I want to succeed for them.

That I can do things I never thought I was capable of, like taking care of the bodily functions of another human. I guess I would have made an okay mom after all.

That you can make friends with people you have never met and have them become a very important part of your life. (Thank you from the bottom of my heart Maura and Dyann)

That the best laid plans can change, no matter what you think.

That when you do something that you love, it isn't work. (And when it isn't work you have to make it a priority because no one else will.)

That money is nice but not having it isn't that big a deal.

That you can only guarantee the weather in Las Vegas in the middle of summer, when it's a bazillion degrees outside. (So learn to write things indoors!)

That if you write it, they will read. (Thanks Loyal Readers!)

What did you learn this year? Were they the lessons you thought they would be? Tomorrow are my resolutions, so until then, Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Maura said...

Thank you, too, Shae! I had no idea how much I needed friends like you and Dyann until I had you. You are the best!

You have definitely had an eventful 2008. I hope that 2009 brings you nothing but good things and sees you as happy at the end of it as you are now.

I've learned that I can do anything I really set my mind to, that the only thing that stands in the way of my success is me and my ability to put things off. I plan to do less of that in 2009.

Happy New Year!


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