Friday, February 27, 2009

Stirring the Pot

Who knew that cheese sandwiches could cause such controversy? I'm so happy that a lively debate on politics, parenting and economics could take place on my blog.

No one wants kids to go hungry. I would take food out of my own mouth before my child ever went without food. Even in our poorest moments (and there were more than a few, like when my dad was laid off for more than 8 months and we were living on food stamps and donated canned goods - although I still dislike whoever donated the canned brown bread- I was grateful but it was still gross) my parents made sure we had enough to eat. (They were concerned with things like food and shelter.)

If I have one hope during this terrible economy, it's that this country gets it's priorities straight. Corporate greed needs to go, personal greed needs to go, and we need to learn to care about our fellow human beings again. Education, health care and taking care of our people (children through the elderly) needs to be a priority. How can we ever be a truly 'civilized' nation if we can't take care of one another?

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