Thursday, April 03, 2008

Always Late for the Party

So, April Fool's Day has come and gone and once again I missed it. It happens every year. I think of some great prank in say, August or November, and think to myself, "I have to remember that" and then I don't. Or I don't remember until April second. And so it was once again this year.

I know it was April Fool's Day, I did. At one point during the day the base went to FPCON Delta (which for you civilians like me means you have to stay put in your office and not even stick your nose out the door until you go to FPCON Charlie - we are normally at FPCON Alpha). Even though I knew the base was on exercises I still wondered if it was an April Fool's joke. (I was informed that the U.S. military does not joke - EVER. Apparently our Uncle Sam has no sense of humor. And I'll admit that it wasn't funny to see those soldiers, er, excuse me, airmen, in flack jackets and combat helmets patrolling around...even if I knew it was just an exercise.)

I even caught the joke on Google about the colonization of Mars. Funny stuff and it must have taken a while for them to put it all together. But I didn't do anything to commemorate the day. Maybe it's because I'm far from home, with a group of guys who think 'pull my finger' is the height of classic comedy, on a military base which does not appreciate my quirky sense of humor. But truthfully, I suspect that it's because I'm a terrible practical joker. So every year I think I should do something on April Fool's Day and every year I'm a 'day late and a dollar short'.

So I hope you had a great April Fools that was full of laughter and fun. And next year, I'll have a great prank planned. (Not)

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