Friday, April 25, 2008

Tired of the News

My family watches the news...a lot. A whole lot. If it were up to my Grandmother we would watch nothing but news. I don't think she actually pays that much attention but she always has CNN or Fox News on. And we watch the local news too. But it's the same five stories over and over again. They will run a story to the point you want to cry uncle. Here are my takes on the most recent dead horses they have been beating.

The polygamy compound in Texas - I don't care and I don't want to hear any more about it. Figure out who those kids belong to, give them back to their parents if they aren't in danger of eminent harm and shut up. Look, if everyone was over eighteen, of appropriate mental capacity and consenting, then I don't care if you marry one or one hundred wives. Just don't abuse the welfare system and quit marrying little girls.

The price of gas - Gas is expensive. I get it. But quit telling me how expensive it is. I know how expensive it is, I have to buy gas. It doesn't make me feel better when you tell me every day that it's going to be eve more expensive. Tell me when the price goes down. But until then, shut up already.

The economy- We're in a recession. It happens. Every eleven years or so. Let's not make it worse by telling me constantly how bad it is. I get it. I see how much food costs, I go to the grocery store. We aren't stupid, we get it. But hitting us over the head with how bad we have it, that's just mean.

The green movement - Save the planet. Earth Day. Going 'green'. These are the same things we have been hearing for more than twenty years. Don't run the water while you are brushing your teeth. Turn the lights off when you leave the room. I'm so over it. I'll do my part but I can't do the part of billions of Chinese and other developing countries. So tell them, not me.

The election - Call me in November.

Okay, rant over.

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