Friday, October 10, 2008

The stock market is in free fall, world economy in collapse, natural disasters occurring in alarming numbers, a presidential election of historic's ARMAGEDDON! What are we going to do!?!

My philosophy of life has always been that you can laugh or you can cry and I choose laughter every time. For those who didn't catch "Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Thursday" (is that a huge mouthful of title or what?) watch this clip. Most of it is pretty darn funny, especially the "Really? Oh My God Are you Serious?" segment that is at the end of the clip (forward to 4:22 if you are in a hurry, it totally sums up the ridiculousness of the whole financial crisis.)

Laugh and enjoy and remember the words of REM..."It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!"


Jonathon Bryant said...

Hey Shae, remember me. Well i also caught snl and I thought it was hilarious. The part where both the candidates are giving answers at the same time and talking at the same time, and you cant really make out what theyre saying until the end and the only word you hear john McCain say is maverick. I thought it was great. Also, did you catch the office last night? I about died of laughter!!! -JON

Maura said...

I'm so glad you posted the link. I have been missing a lot of the snl stuff for various reasons so I was able to catch up on a lot of it. Tina Fey is just too funny. And you were right about the Really? clip. It was dead on. Thanks for the laughs this afternoon!

dyann hunter said...

I watched SNL on Thursday and thought it was a riot!

I plan on being Sarah Palin for Halloween. How hard is it to say "You Betchya" and talk in circles, never really saying anything worth while???

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