Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hello From Alamogordo!

Hello from Alamogordo, New Mexico!

Sorry, loyal readers, that it has taken me so long to write but it has been busy here. I got into town Sunday night after driving in the dark from El Paso, Texas. I'm staying in the lovely mountain town of Cloudcroft which is nice but a really long commute to where I'm working at Holloman Air Force Base. It's about a forty-five minute drive down a twisty mountain and then across the desert. There is little traffic but it's still a long drive.

I've been helping my friends at Newcom get their office running which has involved setting up vendor accounts, organizing the office, getting them on an insurance plan, setting up some accounting functions....wait, didn't I just quit a job? Now I'm doing the same darned thing. Once I get home it should just be some remote accounting functions but I can tell you that having been off a month and just writing, going back to work is no fun. I want to be working in my pjs with no commute. I can't wait to get back home!

New Mexico is, well, a lot like Nevada frankly. Mountains, desert, it's all here except not as much glitz and glamour here. Everyone seems friendly though and I've been enjoying what little time I have away from the base.

Can I just say that military bases intimidate the hell out of me. All of those people in uniforms saluting and carrying guns and security acronyms is just kind of scary. God Bless the men and women of the armed forces who can do the thankless job we ask them to do to support and defend our country. I couldn't do it. Everyone calls me "ma'am" which we know is a woman's least favorite thing but I know they are just being polite. And this afternoon if I can sneak out of the office the Stealth Bomber will be on display. That might be cool. It's also cool that I have my little "Federal Contractor" Badge so I can get on base. But I can't shop at the Base Exchange or buy gas, tobacco or alcohol on base, that's only for military personnel. Good for them , they deserve something for all of their hard work. I can go to the 'shopette', a little convenience type store that has everything. Seriously. I need one of those "Mr. Clean Magic Eraser's" yesterday and they had them at the shopette, and they weren't more expensive there either. Later, Bill needed starter fluid for one of the engines and they had that too! Strange store but I like it. They have little mini bottles of alcohol which of course I can't buy but I'm endlessly fascinated with. They have a gourmet wine selection too. I'm telling you, it's an amazing store.

Okay, I have to run, I'll post more later. Miss you all, loyal readers!

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