Friday, March 28, 2008

Things I Don't Like About New Mexico

1. Crappy cable TV at the house. (Bad)
2. No TV at all in my room - not even with the antenna I bought at Wal-Mart. (Worse)
3. Bad Mexican food - how is that possible in a place named New Mexico? (Awful)
4. Long drive up and down the mountain every day.
5. The gate guard who takes ten minutes to look at my ID every morning and still can't figure out where the expiration date is on my license.
6. Wal-Mart (Of course, I hate that in Las Vegas too but at least in Vegas there is a Target.)
7. Police vehicles painted silver/grey with little tiny lights. (LVMPD has giant black and white cruisers with giant lights you can see a mile away.)
8. Albuquerque news that never gives you Alamogordo weather.
9. My family isn't here.
10. Lack of grocery stores. (Two? Two stores for thirty-five thousand people? And one is Wal-Mart? Ugh!)

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