Thursday, March 06, 2008

List #2

Here is a list of things I though about yesterday. It's kind of fun, like a stream of consciousness exercise.

1. The lady at the fitting room at Ross must hate me because I try on a pile of clothes and she has to hang them back up.
2. Why is that guy following me around the shoe department? Is he a stalker? Is he store security and do I look like a shoplifter? Does he just like women's shoes? He's creeping me out.
3. Why am I looking at clothes? I'm unemployed (er, I mean, self employed) and I work from home. I don't need clothes.
4. This dress is so retro, I feel like Emma Peel from the old "Avengers" series. Except I don't have an Emma Peel body. More like Un-a-Peel. Still this dress is so cute I want a beehive hairdo and a pair of white go-go boots to go with it. Nah, I could never pull it off.
5. I like Target. Probably too much. I spent forty-eight dollars. I went way over budget.
6. Having no shopping money sucks.
7. How is my dog's ass doing? It's strange to worry about your dog's butt. How can a little dog butt cost so much? I wonder how much the follow up vet visit to check my dog's butt is going to cost?
8. What am I going to make for dinner tomorrow? Will can be picky.
9. Don't forget to buy sour cream. Do they sell sour cream at Target so I don't have to go to the grocery store? They do.
10. Okay, if I start some laundry before I make the meatloaf, then when I put the meatloaf in the oven run in and take a shower, then when I get out of the shower put in another load of laundry before I make the mashed potatoes, will that work out to have inner ready by 6:30?
11. This is the greatest meatloaf ever. I'll have to put it on my food blog. I should have my own cooking show. Real cooking for real people. I'm a good cook with a great personality, I could host my own cooking show. Who would I call? Do they have fat cooking show hosts? Paul Prudhomme was so fat he cooked sitting down in a chair. I'm not that fat. But girl cooking show hosts are uber skinny, like Giada. She looks anorexic. I don't really believe she eats all the food she makes. I eat all the food I make and I look like it. Sixty percent of the population is overweight, aren't we really underrepresented in the cooking show realm? Man, this is good meatloaf.
12. Why do I watch Big Brother?
13. I hate when I'm watching live TV and I hit the fast forward button and I can't fast forwards the boring parts. I should DVR everthing so I can fast forward whenever I want.
14. "Secrets of the Psychics Revealed" or "Pussycat Dolls Present Girlicious"? Is that really what I'm deciding between? Mensa is going to come revoke my membership just based on my television viewing habits. Okay, I'll watch the "Secrets" show and just flip to "Girlicious" to se who get's kicked off. I hope it's Natalie. I've never met her but they sure edit her to look like a total bitch. I want Illise to win. Go you Glamizonain redhead!
15. So that's how psychics do that, it's all trickery. I feel both vindicated and dissapointed.
16. Law and Order has been on forever. But I love Jeremy Sisto. I wish Law and Order was more like Law and Order: SVU so that Jeremy was on the whole show instead of just the first half. Christopher Meloni is so hot on SVU. He was even hot on that prison show where he was a criminal and he raped that guy. But he's hotter as a good guy cop.
17. I was really tired and now I can't go to sleep. What's up with that?

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