Monday, June 09, 2008

Garden Update

It's been a while since I updated y'all on the status of my garden. You can see from the picture progression that it is growing well. I can't cut the mint back fast enough, it just keeps growing and spreading and sending out new shoots. Makes great mojitos! I'm going to do a rack of lamb with mint sauce this week. We are eating two or three tomatoes a day from the garden. My new favorite is a BLT salad with lettuce, tons of tomatoes, bacon and home made fresh ciabatta croutons. Gosh is it yummy. I oven tried some tomatoes the other day for a pizza and the only word I can use to describe them was perfumey. Thew were magnificent, and when they were roasted they were so intense it was like a rich tomato paste. With fresh basil and a little mozzarella...heaven! The chives are also awesome. It's so cool to just go out and cut what herbs I need. We have decided to double the garden next year to give it more room. It is really a boon to my cookbook to have the herb garden so handy.

I also haven't updated Gourmand Girl in a while so check it out, there are new postings today.


Maura said...

What kind of tomatoes do you plant? We usually get whatever is available from our local nurseries but they haven't been all that great. I'm not even sure we are going to bother with them this year.

We've never even tried gorowing mint at all. Maybe we will give that a try. Or maybe I will just buy mint and go straight to making the mojitos!

Maura said...

And I forgot to mention in the comment on the other post that I like the other picture, too. The one by your profile. You could use that one on a book cover! :)

Shae said...

I don't know what kind they are (I think one is called Patio) but I buy ones with thick stalks and pray I don't kill them. I also don't cage them because in Vegas it gets so hot so I let them flop over so the vines protect the tomatoes. The spearmint (a variety called apple mint) is so hardy, it's trying to take over. The peppermint is slower growing but it too would like to have more room.
Plant some mint, that way you can have mojitos all summer long (I have a killer recipe for cucumber mojitos if you want it!)

Maura said...

Our main problem with tomatoes is keeping the bugs away. Definitely give me the mojito recipe. I'd love to give it a try. And one of my sisters probably would, too. She loves mojitos.


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