Thursday, May 22, 2008

Moving On

I'm still sick but I'm trying not to whine about it any more (although I want it on records that this is the worst.cold.ever.) I am trying to overcome the seven dwarfs syndrome (where I feel sleepy, sneezy, grumpy, coughy, hacky, doped and off).

In other news....

I'm sad about Ted Kennedy's brain tumor. I hope it's treatable. I think he has been an amazing force (even if he's not my favorite Kennedy).

I read four books over the last four days. Being sick is good for that. (And most daytime TV is awful).

I want to date the Take Home Chef, Curtis Stone. He's hot, he can cook and he's got that adorable accent. He can pick me up at the supermarket anytime!

I love how nice it is outside today. It's so cool. Can we keep it,can we, huh, can we? ( I so dread the triple digit heat.)

Okay, I have to go off and get well. I'm going to attempt to venture into the world for a couple of minutes today - if you see an icky drippy girl, keep a wide berth.

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