Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Should Have Been A Disco Queen

I always feel like I was born too late. I just know I should have been born early enough that I could have been around in the seventies.

I have been watching episodes of Swingtown, the CBS show about suburban life in the seventies. No, I don't wish I had been around to swing, but for all the other stuff in the seventies. Fondue and Farrah-hair and The Hustle. It looks like fun. I'll admit it, I have a secret passion for disco music. I like ABBA and the Bee Gees and Donna Summer. I just know that, had I been the right age, I would have been a dancing queen.

It's not just the seventies I would have enjoyed, I think. I would have liked to check out the forties and fifties too. I know, there was a huge war on, but people pulled together for a common cause, supported one another, worked together and eventually won and brought an era of prosperity that we will never see again. I so would have looked cute in a USO uniform too.

My interest in the past doesn't extend very far. Yes, I love Regency novels but I wouldn't want to live there in reality. No aspirin or penicillin, no running water, no electricity and let's face it, if you weren't in the rich elite, life probably wasn't too wonderful. I always think it's funny when people all think that in some past life they were Cleopatra or King Arthur or some other great figure. I'm pretty sure if I had ever had a past life, I was a serf or some other lowly type with a crappy life, serving someone with a better one. No thanks.

I don't think anyone will be pining to relive the years of my youth in the eighties. My mother loved the eighties because, as she says, nothing happened. She means nothing bad happened really, that it was just kind of an even keel time. But I think NOTHING happened. It was the yuppie time, when we watched The Cosby Show and did pretty much nothing else. Boring. No major social change, no uniting for a common cause, no blip on the radar. Dull, just a little wang chung-ing and some John Hughes films. (Okay, do you know how old I feel watching the JC Penney commercials that imitate the Breakfast Club?)

I'm sure the reality of the seventies probably wasn't as cool as it looked but I sure would have liked to see for myself. I would have had some cool clothes, feathered hair and danced the night away!


Maura said...

OK, I'm sorta ashamed to admit it, but I WAS a disco queen! I was in high school when Saturday Night Fever came out. All of my friends and I would have dancing parties and we would imitate all the dances in the movie. We danced our little hearts out to that soundtrack as well as Donna Summer, The Village People, and a whole bunch of one hit wonders.

In the early eighties, when I was old enough to have a valid ID, we would go into Manhattan to some of the clubs once in a while - not too often, though, because none of us had cars and our parents were not thrilled with us riding the subway late at night. When I got my first job in Manhattan, my co-workers and I would go dancing every Friday. While my sister was in college she referred to me as "Disco" whenever she was talking to her friends about me.

Nowadays, I settle for dancing around my living room every once in a while or the occasional wedding to satisfy my disco urges.

I think the forties and fifties would have been fun, too. Larry is huge WWII buff so I've learned a lot about that era through osmosis.

And I am definitely with you on the modern conveniences! I could give up TV and microwaves, but no way could I go without at least some electricity, indoor plumbing, and decent heating!

Shae said...

Okay, I'm soooo jealous! I wanna be a disco queen (and I don't think dancing around in my underwear counts, although I do that a lot.)

Ooh, television, I forgot that I'd have to give up my High Def, DVR, 42 inch widescreen LCD. Nope, not gonna live in a time without TV!

Jonathon Bryant said...

You should have been a twinkie!!!


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